Με Όραμα

Κοινωνικής Συνοχής

co2gether - office inside. day with the logo and a part of the office space

With a Vision of Social Cohesion

The social dimension of Co2gether is our core strength. Our aim is to strengthen existing initiatives, promoting social cohesion. As a trusted advisor, we bring together citizens, local authorities, organisations and businesses to develop corporate social responsibility.

We are committed to:

  • Interventions with a strong social impact
  • Developing policies for an equal society
  • Promoting partnerships based on solidarity
  • Strengthening volunteering

Together, we are working for a sustainable and ethical society where no one is left behind.

Our Awards

Co-Solidarity Platform

We collect, repair and offer mobility aids and equipment to the elderly, disabled, citizens without a public health insurance plan, patients, refugees, as well as local Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Health Centers and Social Clubs.

The Ecosystem
of our Services

News and Articles

Together we can
can make a difference!

Join our team

Become a Volunteer

Do you want to support our actions?

Become a Sponsor

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