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Funded European Programmes

γραφιστική εικόνα λάμπας να ανάβει, ιδέας

We are looking for funding to develop initiatives and actions with a strong social impact

The Co2gether team has accumulated experience in writing and implementing programs related to social cohesion (health, society, employment). We have collaborated with the European Union (DG Sanco, HaDEA, EACEA, ESCO) and independent bodies (COST, Erasmus+) as experts in European tenders (call for grants, call for projects) and the evaluation of grant applications and projects.

We develop proposals, according to the requirements of the European institutions, create networks and cooperate with various bodies inside and outside Europe, with the aim to be innovative and applicable.

We use all forms of European funding, direct or indirect, managed either directly by the European institutions or by national and regional authorities.

Our team will support you by providing the following services:

  • Update on programs that are active or upcoming.
  • Planning, writing and submitting proposals for relevant European funding
  • Networking with European and National bodies for submitting proposals with a positive social impact
  • Full management of project implementation from start to finish
γραφιστική εικόνα με διασύνδεση ανθρώπων

We actively participate in social cohesion programs

Co2gether participates in research projects funded by the European Union for the promotion of research in topics that respond to the challenges of our time.

Our role in the programs we are partners are:

  • We study and produce knowledge
  • We educate
  • We raise awareness
  • We inform
  • We build networks

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