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Team of Experienced Professionals

Meet our Team

Consultants with high scientific expertise and extensive professional experience in the field of social cohesion and health. We have been working for years with local authorities and civil society organisations and we aspire to build "a sustainable society where no one is left behind".

Maria Zafiropoullou


Vivian Tasopoulou

Social Innovation Services

Katerina Alexopoulou

Journalist - Media Affairs

Sofia Tsoulou

Financial Administrator

Έφη Σαμαντά_co2gether

Efi Samanta

Social Service Officer

Emmanuela Daka

Social Worker

team-co2gether 02

Charalambia Karagianni

Public Health Supervisor

team-co2gether 01

Vassily Christou



Rigaud Jean-Pierre

Foreign Networking



Cat Lover


Dimitris Aggelopoulos

Finance - Fundraising

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Απορρίψη όλων των υπηρεσιών
Δέχομαι όλες τις υπηρεσίες

Maria Zafiropoulou

Είναι Διδάκτωρ Γεροντολόγος – Νομικός και υπήρξε υπότροφος της Σχολής
Δημόσιας Υγείας της Γαλλίας, με μεταπτυχιακό στο Δίκαιο Υγείας και στα
Οικονομικά της Υγείας. Έχει εργαστεί επί σειρά ετών σε πανεπιστήμια της Ευρώπης
και Αφρικής ως εκπαιδευτικό προσωπικό και σε όργανα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης
(DG Sanco, ESCO, CHAFEA-HADEA). Έχει διετελέσει Αν. Διοικήτρια του Γενικού
Νοσοκομείου Πατρών. Θαυμάζει την εμπειρία και σοφία των ηλικιωμένων και έχει
μεγάλη αδυναμία στις γιαγιάδες και δη στην πιο γλυκιά γιαγιά του κόσμου, τη
γιαγιά της! Όνειρό της είναι μία ισότιμη κοινωνία με ολιστικές υπηρεσίες για τους
φαινομενικά πιο αδύναμους- που στην πραγματικότητα συχνά είναι πολύ δυνατοί!

Vivian tasopoulou

Vivian is a mechanic with an expertise in urban planning and designing of products and services. She previously worked in the Local Authorities and a regional development consultancy firm, until she discovered the world of social entrepreneurship! She has great experience in planning and implementation of projects with a social impact, as well as in advisory services of local authorities and social enterprises. She is extremely interested in the field of design at all scales and is excited when it works as a tool to solve social issues – this is also her main role at Co2gether. Her motto is ; “Do it but do it innovative” ! Vivian has a great love for animals and nature. In fact, one of her dogs, Arya, is an irreplaceable companion in the daily life of the office premises of Co2gether!

Katerina Alexopoulou

Katerina has studied Communication and Culture Media Studies with a specialization in journalism. She has proven experience in the Mass Media both nationally and regionally, with a special emphasis on social reporting. As a core member of Co2gether’s consultants, she is responsible for public relations and communication, having undertaken the outreach and communication of the organization's projects. She actively participates in the "Life Visits" program, which includes in-house support for people, who belong to vulnerable socio-economic groups. Personally, she likes to participate in actions that empower women and build women's solidarity. Katerina dreams of a society in which there will be equality and prosperity to all social parties.

Sofia tsoulou

Sofia has studied Business Administration. While studying, she worked for years in customer service. Initially, she worked in the financial department of a large commercial enterprise. She realized then that she would have preferred to be part of a non-strictly commercial environment. Her work goal is to understand in advance the needs of people, who are more easily marginalized such as the elderly. For this reason, she happily joined our social enterprise. She organizes and administers the projects of Co2gether. Sophia declares that beyond the scope of work, she can now work and provide... "for a society where no one is left behind". If she had to describe herself in one word, it would be "Offer".

Emmanuela Daka