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We are a non-profit company with great empathy for the social challenges of our time.

"Our company is registered in the register of social and solidarity-based economy entities (reg. number 000214212041)."

Social cohesion is based upon co-creation, co-operation, contribution, coordination, conversation, communication, combination. That's why our name connects us, Co2gether!

We are consultants with high scientific expertise and extensive professional experience in the field of social cohesion and health. We have been working for years with local authorities and civil society organisations and we aspire to build "a sustainable society where no one is left behind".

The frase "Think Social, Act Business" is not only for words for us but the way we think, design and deliver our services.

  • We always implement interventions with a positive social impact for local communities.
  • We create, advise and train to develop a culture of cooperation based on solidarity and social equality.
  • We design programmes and services provided by public and private institutions for an equal society (think social), with balanced economic development (act business).

Απευθυνόμαστε σε:

  • Οργανώσεις της Κοινωνικής και Αλληλέγγυας Οικονομίας (Κ.Α.Λ.Ο)
  • Local Authorities
  • Ομάδες πληθυσμού που χρήζουν ενδυνάμωσης (π.χ. νέοι με χαμηλά προσόντα, μακροχρόνια άνεργοι, φροντιστές, ηλικιωμένοι, ΑμεΑ, ασθενείς κλπ)
  • Businesses with Social Corporate Responsibility
  • Ερευνητικούς και εκπαιδευτικούς Φορείς
  • You will be informed and directed to the appropriate funding opportunities for the services and actions you are planning that have a social impact.
  • You will create your own partnership network.
  • We will formulate policies based on the needs of your citizens.

If you like challenges and want to give a little or a lot of your time and positive energy, don't hesitate to volunteer at Co2gether. Like all non-profits, ours relies on the valuable contribution of volunteers to carry out our work. Do you want to help organize solidarity events, contribute to communication campaigns, support our vulnerable people? We will train you and direct you according to your skills, abilities and desires to the appropriate volunteer actions.

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