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Crisis Intervention

HomePage / Crisis Intervention


mobile direct intervention unit


support programmes

258 direct beneficiaries

(Ukrainian refugees, fire and flood victims)


What is it?

Πρόκειται για μία ολοκληρωμένη επείγουσα παρέμβαση για την αντιμετώπιση κρίσεων όπως πόλεμοι, πλημμύρες, πυρκαγιές, σεισμοί, σε άτομα και οικογένειες παρέχοντας την κατάλληλη φροντίδα και ψυχοκοινωνική υποστήριξη.

The multidisciplinary team is composed of a gerontologist, health supervisor, social worker, nurse, psychologist, music therapist, legal and administrative staff. The mobile unit of Co2gether, intervenes immediately and carries out an immediate (within 24 hours) on-site needs assessment, coordinating with the social services (e.g. home help, Roma community centres) the type of actions to be provided.
The mobile unit of Co2gether has already intervened in crisis response in:
- Fire victims
- Earthquake victims 
- Flood victims 
- Victims of war and conflict
The type of interventions are divided into short-term and long-term interventions.

Short-term interventions: 

- Distribution of water and food to civilians, volunteers and civil protection professionals 

- Distribution of basic necessities to civilians (e.g. blankets, clothes, personal hygiene items)

- Distribution of health materials to citizens, volunteers and civil protection professionals (e.g. high protection masks)

- Support in administrative matters (e.g. applications to the State, information on benefits)

- Solving housing problems (e.g. temporary accommodation)

- Activating local businesses and volunteers for in-kind donations 

Long-term interventions: 

- Referrals to special services (e.g. helpline) 

- linking up with services of the partner municipalities

- Inclusion in the Life Visits programme

In recent years, the severity and frequency of natural and man-made disasters have increased. To help populations affected by crises, Co2gether's mobile rapid intervention unit, in coordination with the municipal authorities, provides immediate support, within 24 hours, to the affected people with the distribution of water, food, hygiene items and psychosocial support. 


  • Intervention plan with risk assessment and socio-economic conditions
  • Psychosocial support for coping with the crisis
  • Weekly support for people in crisis with basic necessities (food, water, hygiene items, etc.)
  • Administrative support on immediate issues (e.g. benefits, applications to the State)
  • Written instructions for managing possible future crises
  • Referral and interface to the appropriate services

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