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HomePage / Co-Solidarity Platform

50% of households

have unused sanitary/orthopaedic equipment

15% of used

equipment is destroyed

23.205 products


500.000 value

in euro €


What is it?

We recycle and reuse used or unused healthcare and orthopaedic equipment

We collect, repair and distribute used or unused hardware and equipment for uninsured or indigent patients and for people with serious and urgent health problems.

Partners of the initiative:

InterMediaKT, Patient Care Simulation Laboratory of the Department of Nursing, University of Patras, SECOL (France), Paradisanté (France), Regional Federation of People with Disabilities of Western Greece and Southern Ionian Islands.

The issue for us is:

  • the saving of resources 
  • the development of a regional network for the collection and exchange of equipment
  • the supply of free equipment and material to institutions and vulnerable groups 
  • the reuse of material that is currently unused or destroyed
  • the reduction of waste
  • the creation of a local culture of circular and exchange economy
Co2gether has developed a solid multi-year cooperation with the French NGOs SECOL and Paradisante, which have already carried out in recent years shipments of products worth €500,000.
For more information visit the online platform


  • Walking, support and mobility aids (e.g. wheelchairs, wheelchairs, electric scooters, walkers, single and wheeled walkers, single and quadriceps support sticks)
  • Sterile sanitary material (e.g. gauze, laparotomy kits, surgical kits, microtrauma kits, anaesthesia kits)
  • Sterile sanitary material (e.g. gauze, laparotomy kits, surgical kits, microtrauma kits, anaesthesia kits)
  • Equipment for home care (e.g. hospital beds, inclined air mattresses, lifting cranes)
  • Training in care and self-care for patients and their carers

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