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Green & Circular Economy

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What is it?

Co2gether's motto is "Think social, act business" promoting sustainable development with a focus on circular economy and social innovation.

Energy saving light bulb on green branch cable, Green energy concept.


Contributes to improving the quality of life of vulnerable groups by utilising materials and food according to the principles of the circular economy with saving resources, reducing waste and wastage and protecting the environment from non-biodegradable products (orthopaedic materials) or which produce toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.
την ταυτόχρονη εξοικονόμηση πόρων, μείωση των αποβλήτων και της σπατάλης καθώς και της προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος από προϊόντα που δεν βιοδιασπώνται
(ορθοπεδικά υλικά) ή που παράγουν τοξικά αέρια όπως διοξείδιο του άνθρακα και μεθάνιο.
Our aim is to develop a local model of circular economy and sustainable development,adopting in practice the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 13 Climate Action).
Co2gether's guiding principles are based on addressing social,
economic and geographic disparities, reducing the gap between vulnerable groups and
population groups, taking into account contemporary challenges that
challenges facing society (e.g. climate change, overconsumption, pandemic,


  • Creation of a local circular economy system through the Food Bank of Western Greece and the Health Care Material Bank.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility actions related to environmental protection and poverty alleviation.
  • Consultancy and hosting of NGOs in green and circular economy and social entrepreneurship through cospace and Co2gether's incubator
  • Voluntary work programmes, aiming at informing, activating and involving citizens in recycling and circular economy.
  • Educations in schools on climate change and food waste.
  • Develops and maintains partnerships with environmental organisations in Greece and abroad.


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