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Advocacy & Human Rights

Homepage / Advocacy & Human Rights


beneficiaries (elderly, disabled, refugees)


individual and group sessions




What is it?

Free legal and non-legal advice on informing, defending and asserting the rights of vulnerable groups.

Co2gether aims

 to formulate cohesion policies, address social, economic and geographical inequalities, reduce the gap between vulnerable groups and the general population and take initiatives to defend rights at local and national level. Its founder, a lawyer specialised in health law, has many years of experience in the EU (DG Sanco-HADEA), as well as teaching experience in European universities on advocacy issues.
Co2gether provides individual sessions and collective advocacy actions while implementing awareness campaigns to defend rights and fight discrimination. 
Individual advocacy sessions
Following a referral from the social services of municipalities or health centres, Co2gether staff provide free legal advice for vulnerable groups on topics such as drafting a will, access to benefits and medical records. There is the possibility of a home session for patients who are unable to move or for people living in extremely remote areas
Collective advocacy actions
Co2gether organizes, with specialized staff (lawyer, social worker), seminars of collective advocacy in structures (e.g. KAPI, Health Centres, hospitals, nursing homes, community centres, patient associations) for the information and empowerment of citizens and professionals (e.g. social services staff, NGO staff). 
Influencing the general population and institutions
Co2gether staff (lawyer, social worker, journalist, filmmaker) design and implement online campaigns, draft positions and participate in conferences to defend rights and fight discrimination. 

According to a survey implemented by Co2gether (2023) in 6 municipalities (Kalavryta, Patras, Aigialeia, Erymanthos, Vonitsa and Amphilochia) in 500 patients, ⅘ of vulnerable patients (unemployed, uninsured, elderly, chronically ill) are not informed about their rights and face unequal access to health services. The same survey also highlights the key role of local and regional authorities in developing policies to reduce health inequalities.


  • Legal advice (individual and group sessions)
  • In-home legal counselling for patients who are unable to move or for people living in extremely remote areas
  • Online counselling for patient associations
  • Local experiential Advocacy Seminars in cities of the Region of Western Greece
  • Mapping of laws that have been passed and the regulations have not been issued
  • Lobbying for the participation of patient representatives in decision-making centres
  • Preparation of guides on the rights of patients and older people
  • Cooperation with the Greek Patients' Association

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