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Food Bank of Western Region of Greece

HomePage / Food Bank of Western Region of Greece


Food Bank in the Peloponnese


kg of food per month




What is it?

The Food Bank of Western Greece aims to fight hunger and reduce food waste in the Region of Western Greece.

The Food Bank of Western Greece

It operates with the support of the Food Bank of Greece in accordance with the charter of the Federation of Food Banks of Europe (FEBA), where it is an equal member.

With the central motto "We don't throw anything away" our suppliers provide daily products which are either short or have defective packaging without being tampered with.

Redistributing surplus food through Food Banks is an international good practice recommended to protect the environment and meet food needs. At the same time, it ensures the rational management of food.

The Food Bank of Western Greece has a fully equipped warehouse, with refrigeration chambers and all the necessary equipment to manage easily and correctly any food donation.

The Food Bank of Western Greece is the first Food Bank in Greece whose daily operation is entirely based on its volunteers. 

The Food Bank of Western Greece is open every Wednesday..

Opening hours: 09:00 – 13:00

Address: Irakleiou 22, 26226 Patra

Type of actions

Training to tackle food waste and poverty in schools.

Collecting food in large supermarket chains.

Nutrition workshops for the elderly.

Volunteer trainings for good food management.


  • Distribution of food to soup kitchens, institutions of the Region of Western Greece
  • Home distribution of food to needy families in remote and mountainous areas
  • Actions for optimization of food consumption and safe storage
  • Mediterranean diet workshops for special population groups (e.g. children, diabetics, elderly)
  • Organizing a community kitchen with cross-cultural recipes
  • Provision of a monthly basket of Mediterranean food to 80 needy elderly people

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